Our Services


Entitlement Management

Work in collaboration with the land use attorney in navigating CEQA and managing the preparation of the environmental documentation and associated deliverables, ensuring consistency with the project goals.

Property Due Diligence

Manage the process of an existing conditions assessment, engaging consultants, and contractors as necessary to generate a comprehensive due diligence report in advance of owner purchase.

Feasibility Analysis

Analysis of proposed project and property characteristics to determine the cost, program in tandem with approval and schedule feasibility.

Lease / Work Letter

Provide representation (landlord or tenant) through the lease and work letter negotiation stage, advising on the implication of each respective deal point as it relates to construction and operations.


Budget & Schedule

Create and track a benchmarked, comprehensive project budget and schedule, consistent with client objectives.

Project Team Assembly

On behalf of client, procure the lowest qualified bid for each required consultant, vendor, and contractor through a competitive ‘Request for Proposal’ process.

Cost Management

Create and maintain a project specific cost report to track and forecast all cost related matters, including budget projection, invoice review/ processing and reporting.

Value Engineering

Drive the process to ensure that value is given the consideration alongside aesthetic and performance decisions.


Jurisdictional Approvals

Navigate the process of securing all required approvals and permits to move to the construction phase of the project.

Contract Review & Negotiation

Liaise with client’s counsel to ensure that appropriate protection measures are included in any agreement that is executed.

Landlord / Tenant Coordination

Provide the representation for either landlord or tenant, providing the required coordination between the two with respect to construction, lease compliance and landlord reimbursement.

Technology Integration

Ensure technology platforms are seamlessly integrated throughout the project design and coordinated during construction and furniture installation.


Contractor Bidding & Procurement

Source appropriately qualified General Contractors and coordinate and manage the process of competitive bidding, cost validation and contract negotiation, with a recommendation for award.

Pre-Construction / Construction Management

Oversee the construction process and ensure effective coordination and communication between contractor, architect and engineers; proactively resolving issues as they arise to ensure schedule / budget adherence.

Client Vendor Procurement & Coordination

Determine required scope for all aspects external to the General Contractor and facilitate a competitive bid process. Once selected, perform necessary management and coordination of vendor within the project framework.

Design & Program Management

Manage the consultant team to ensure that budgetary, programmatic and basis of design / quality requirements are adhered to through all stages of design, and that options are available for client selection and approval.


Project Close Out & Final Account

At completion of project, reconcile all costs and required close out documentation to ensure a successful hand over to the client, and that all lease and jurisdictional requirements have been satisfied.